My name is c.j., and
here's the June 2008 issue of Psyche-Selling
I was
conducting a workshop for some members of the Hong Kong Management
Association on how they can create greater sales successes for the
mainland China's operations. The workshop went on well, and
everybody was generally happy. There was however one piece of
feedback that told me I could have done a better job though. While
the session was peppered with lots of examples on mainland China's
business realities, there was no structured "do's and don'ts" presented
during the workshop.
So, besides
putting those points into my next workshop, I thought I might as well
share this with more people. This month's topics are:
Do's & Don'ts of Achieving Business Success in
China (or How NOT to be the Next eBay China); and
What We can Learn from the Wenchuan Quake Survivors
This issue's main article is on "Do's
& Don'ts of Achieving Business Success in China (or How NOT to be the
Next eBay China)",
and it gives you the lessons how a US$180 million investment evaporated
in just 5 short years. In case you don't have that much cash to
burn, here are some lessons to be learnt when you grow your business in
In brief:
How eBay invested US$180 million to capture
80% of China's ecommerce market in 2002, only to see that shrunk
to 36% by 2005;
Many international companies fall into the
trap of "cultural bigotry and arrogance" when entering China,
while many
other international companies commit "management by abdication"
by allowing their local staff to run wild with their resources;
Both ways are keys to failures in China, and international
companies need to be actively involved while being sensitive to
local business conditions.
To read the rest of this
newsletter, pls. click
here (http://www.psycheselling.com/page4.html).
Do's & Don'ts of Achieving Business Success
in China (or How NOT to be the Next eBay China)
by c.j.
In 2002, eBay Inc. injected US$180
million to purchase 100% ownership of
Eachnet, then the leading eCommerce platform
in China, capturing some 80% of the market.
3 years however, this leading market share
had shrunken to just 36%, no thanks to an
upstart, Taobao.com, which had entered the
market in 2002.
While some observers will be quick to point
out that Taobao.com used some "below the
belt" tactics, eBay on its part failed to
make the following observations:
Unlike elsewhere, eBay (or Eachnet
before that) was utilised not so much as
a Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) platform
where individuals auction off their used
items. Rather, eBay is a
Business-to-Consumer) B2C platform where
small businesses make their living
selling low-priced products to
consumers. As such, both sellers and
buyers prefer to deal with fixed prices,
rather than auctioning;
Due to banking controls in China,
most buyers prefer to pay upon
receipt of products, rather than making
online payments. This in turn
reduces eBay's and its payment gateway
subsidiary, Paypal's, operating income;
While eBay charges standardised fees for
sellers globally, it is unwilling to
waive such fees to Chinese sellers, as
it believes "free is not a business
model". However, eBay's competitor
Taobao.com is using its "no-fee" policy
to demonstrate to sellers that it
sincerely wants these users to make
money first before charging for the
The end result: eBay had to "wrap-up" its
China operations by "selling" its stake in
Eachnet to Tom.com, an online and wireless
service provider owned by Hutchison Whampoa.
eBay had to fork out another US$40 million
to get a 49% stake in the new Eachnet.com
Tom.com is not faring any better either.
It has since been "privatised" (a nicer word
for "delisted") from the Hong Kong Exchange
in August 2007, with its share
buy-back price at HK$ 1.52 per share.
This is lower than its 2000 IPO price of HK$
eBay recently has revived ebay.com.cn , in
addition to eachnet.com , with the former
focusing a lot more on helping sellers sell
to international markets. The thing
is, many eBay sellers already had registered
international eBay IDs from as early as as
2005 to service international customers.
Not only was the support from eBay lacking
then, it even shut down some of these sites
when these sellers were found to have
IDs. While leveraging its global
network is a great business initiative, eBay
has since alienated its sellers (and buyers
too), and it's a case of "too little, too
late" now.
Interestingly, when Bo Shao, founder of the
original Eachnet (the one that captured 80%
market share in the first place) offered to
make a return to take over the reins in
2006, his offer was turned down, citing
resistance from "internal politics".
No, Bo Shao isn't going to be China's Steve
Jobs, thanks to eBay's intervention.
Make No Assumptions
Many companies come to China with high
hopes of capturing a slice of China's
enormous market opportunities. Some
have accurately identified some of China's
flawed business practices, and seek to
straighten out things in China.
Unfortunately, transplanting what works at
home isn't the right solution either.
Cultural issues aside, as a developing
economy that just opened up to the rest of
the world 30 years ago, there are many
business practices that are just different,
if not strange, compared to markets in
developed economies. Here are some
Fortune-500 3rd-Party Logistics (3PL)
provider would like to standardise
operations for all its China
subsidiaries, but to no avail. The
subsidiaries report to no one except to
"guarantee" the parent company
a certain amount
of profits each year. Any
perceived over-intervention will just
make them defect and ally with other 3PL
from Hong Kong and Taiwan are
finding that unlike its financial
planners back home, their mainland
Chinese financial planners are more
concerned about making "a fast buck",
rather than working hard at
understanding customers' needs.
McDonald's, the world's market leader in
fast-food is a distant second compared
to KFC, simply because the Chinese
customer perceive that for the same
price, a fried chicken drumstick has a
higher intrinsic value compared to a
piece of minced beef sandwiched between
two pieces of bread;
Singapore-owned retailers tend to have
poor service for their China outlets
even though their service standards back
home was great. The reason being
they have largely been pampered with
skilled staff back home, and are
unaccustomed to getting unskilled staff
delivering the same levels of service;
Finally, the Singapore government
thought it had the entire deal sealed
when it got Beijing's support to build
the Suzhou-Singapore Industrial Park (SSIP).
Unfortunately, without local government
support, it literally got hell in its
first 10 years of inception.
At this juncture, I understand that
many readers would
like to have a
list of what's in China that is different from what's available back
home. Unfortunately, this will be a never-ending list if
Hence, the general advice of just "Make No Assumptions".
Corporate bigotry and arrogance have got no place here.
In fact, come companies enter China via means of acquiring local
companies. While the due diligence work conducted
centres around the financial aspects of the local business, future
due diligence work may have to take consideration of:
Business practices (esp. if there are
any expiring monopolistic licenses, or
if kick-backs is a common practice)
Corporate culture (esp. if managers are
incentivised to grow the business or
just "follow the rules")
Social norms (esp. since China's average
staff turnover is just 18 months, and
depending on where you hire, employees
may have social norms that are quite
different from those you are familiar
with. Even customers behave
differently here too.)
Be Actively Involved
Some international companies,
knowing that
China is rather different from what they experienced, chose to
appoint Chinese General Managers, and delegate them full
responsibilities of running their China business.
The mistake here isn't about appointing
Chinese General Managers or CEOs. The mistake that many of such
companies make is "management by abdication", meaning they are
literally hands-off.
It would be unfair (not to mention gross
bigotry) to assume that Chinese managers are dishonest, and that
they will steal from the company. It is just as unfair to
assume Chinese managers
are incompetent in doing their jobs.
It is, however, in the entrant's interest
to learn as much about doing business in China in the shortest time
possible. Unfortunately, no amount of Executive Development
Programmes can adequately prepare
international companies to learn how they can
succeed in China. International companies would have to be
actively involved in the day-to-day operations of their Chinese
business, and NOT manage from an ivory tower (desk) back home.
Some areas to be
actively involved include:
Following your sales people to visit
customers and get a real feel on what
are some of the sales and customer
issues that your Chinese subsidiaries
are facing;
Following your production people around
and find out what goes on in production,
procurement and supply chain management. If you merely source
from Chinese factories or wholesalers,
visit them and strengthen the
Getting to know your key Chinese staff
on a personal level, not to poke at
their private matters, but again to
strengthen their relationship with you
and your company.
While it is important to assume nothing
when in China, it is just as important to be
assertive when the need arises.
Many Chinese managers love to use the phrase
"But this is China, and this is how we do
things here."
Those who use the same
sentence repeatedly are at best unwilling to
change for the better, and at worst be using
that as an excuse for something more
When confronted with the "But this is
China" tagline, it is important not to just
jump in to your assumptions, but rather use
some simple questioning such as:
"Can you enlighten me, why is it so in
"What if we try something different?
Are there any companies that tried
something different and succeeded?"
"Can we just try a different approach in
this case just to test the reaction?"
Even when you are unsure what is the best
course of action for your China operations,
you can remain silent but be keen in your
observations. At worst, you will know
what will be the right steps to take should things
don't work out as expected.
Be Continuously Improving
Success is a journey and not a destination, so
they say. The same applies to achieving business success in China,
although it's going to be a much bumpier
In the case of the Singapore government's
venture in China, they have since learnt
their lessons well, and are making tons of
profits, especially through its property
subsidiary, Capitaland. Unfortunately
for eBay, due to its unwillingness to face
its own mistakes, and has since lost most of
its chances on capitalising on one of the
world's fastest growing eCommerce market.
It is unlikely that any international
company can get it right upon landing in
China. The key is simply be observant,
and learn from early mistakes quick.
After all, not many companies can afford to burn US$180 million, then just
shrug and say, "We see it as an evolution in
China." Not many senior
executives can survive that either.
Directions Management Consulting will be providing advice and
support to international companies who are looking to achieving
business success in China.
For more information, please e-mail
or call +86-136 7190
2505 or Skype:
and arrange to buy me a mocha. All
information shall be kept in confidence.
Power Breakfast Hour: 15 July 2008
Why eBay Lost US$180 Million in China, and What You
can do to Avoid the Same Fate
Join China Business Performance Coach c.j. Ng in
this one-hour breakfast meeting where he will be sharing with you the
following insights:
How NOT to be like eBay in China;
How to be actively involved in your
China operations while still making no
assumptions on what should or shouldn't
be done; and
How to learn from past mistakes quickly
VENUE: Le Equilles Restaurant, Ground Floor, Xin Jin Qiao Plaza, 23
Beijing West Road (by Xizang Middle Road), Shanghai. Pls. enter
via Citadines Apart'Hotel at 55 Beijing West Road.
DATE: Tuesday, 15 July 2008
TIME: from 08:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m.
PRICE: Just Pay for your Own Breakfast (Est. RMB 50-100)
To make this a more conducive discussion, we are
expecting a small group of about 15 people only. The previous Power
Breakfast Hour session was a sold-out and over-booked event within a
week of notice. Please e-mail your registrations to
Tribute to Wenchuan Quake Survivors:
What We can Learn from the Wenchuan Quake Survivors
by c.j. Ng
On 12 May 2008, an earthquake measuring a massive 8.0 on the Richter
Scale, swept through Southwest China, killing about 80,000 people
and made between 5-15 million people homeless without any sources of
Throughout the ordeal, Chinese and international rescue teams have
been arriving in droves, despite the difficult terrain and bad
whether. Aid from all sources have also arrived very quickly,
saving countless lives. Fundraising campaigns to help
survivors rebuild their lives continue even after more than a month
from the disaster.
In terms of the rescue and aid missions, I believe this is a triumph
of humanity, and that our world has gotten its act together to save
lives, rather than to destroy them. Bravo to those whom have
helped to organise and execute the rescue and aid missions
However, the heroes of these articles are not the rescue or aid
heroes. They are the very survivors of the earthquake.
Notice I have used the word "survivors", and not "victims"
Victims refer to those that are "acted upon and adversely affected
by a force or agent."
Survivors, on the other hand, refer to those who "carry on despite
hardships or trauma"
Despite being scarred by the earthquake, and facing tremendous
difficulties to rebuild their lives, most of the quake survivors did
not draw attention to their plight.
Many of them lost their homes, their farms, their factories or any other sources of
income. Some lost their entire families: their parents, spouse
and children. Some are even triple amputees, losing both legs
and an arm.
Instead, they remained positive and demonstrated the resilience that
they will emerge the eventual victor in this calamity. There
are many selfless acts in this disaster, including:
The dead mom who saved her infant's life by putting her nipple
in the infant's mouth, and using her body as a shield for
collapsing debris;
The school teacher who kept vigil for more than 30 hours by her
students before they were all rescued, only to find her daughter
(also a student in the same school) dead in another part of the
collapsed school. The school teacher knew where her
daughter was, but chose to stay close to her students and gave
more than just moral support;
The survivor who insisted that she be amputated so that rescuers can
have more time rescuing others
If only we could learn just a little from
those who gave their lives, and those who demonstrated the steely resolve to survive
against all odds and remain optimistic.
Many businesses have been adversely affected by rising oil and raw
material prices. Unlike the Wenchuan quake survivors, many of
these business owners and managers prefer to whine about it.
The price per barrel of oil may reach US$200 in a year's time.
At best, it will NOT fall below US$100. The sub-prime crisis
in the US didn't help matters too. Yes, the future is bleak,
and it starts tonight.
What business managers and owners have to do now is to take the
necessary action to adapt to the world of expensive oil and raw
materials, not simply whine about.
At US$200 a barrel, it is indeed tough for many businesses to
However, compared to what the Quake survivors are facing, this is a
"walk in the park".
Furthermore, businesses still have time to prepare themselves.
Just like the earthquake, rising oil and raw material prices is a
reality. The only thing we can do is to face it squarely, and
deal with it.
If only the resilience, optimism and resourcefulness of the Quake
survivors can rub off onto the business community. Immediately
after the earthquake, survivors band together to create temporary
shelters, set up camp fires to keep warm and gathered all remaining
food supplies, BEFORE any rescuers or aid could reach them.
Perhaps the story that most personify the optimism and the will to
live is none other than the "Coke Boy". Rescued after 80
hours, the first words 17 year-old Xue Xiao said was "Can I have
some cola? Chilled one, please." No he didn't mention
Coke or Coca-cola in "live" television. Xue Xiao later had to
have his right arm and leg amputated, and those first words are
likely to express him being glad to enjoy his favourite cola again.
Send your ideas on how else we can learn from the Wenchuan Quake
survivors to
. We certainly need more positive ideas in bad times, don't
About PsycheSelling.com
is a
wholly-owned brand of Directions Management Consulting Pte Ltd that specialises in the field of improving
sales performance by enhancing the performance of the entire sales team.
Apart from the regular "selling skills training",
conducts pre- and post-training analysis, interviews, monitoring and
reviews, working closely with managers and even senior management, to
deliver real improvements in sales leadership and performance.
Directions Management Consulting Pte Ltd is a Human Capital Integrator
that helps companies to improve business performances through people.
Psyche-Selling TM
is currently a co-affiliate of the
HR Chally Group, together with
Shi Bisset & Associates,
to help you identify gaps in your current sales force, and then
formulate ways to help you get better results.
The HR Chally Group is a talent management, leadership
development, and sales improvement corporation providing personnel
assessment and research services for over 33 years. Chally is
recognised as an international technology leader in scientific
assessment and prediction for selection, job alignment and leadership
development, and for management assessment. For more information
about implementing Total Quality Sales Management in your company, pls.
log on to
http://www.psycheselling.com/TQSM-ExecBrief_email.pdf to get more
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