My name is c.j., your trusted Sales Advisor, and here's the February 2009 issue of Psyche-Selling TM eNewsletter.
About 50,000 jobs were lost globally in just one week in January. Even profitable companies such as Microsoft and SAP are cutting 5,000 and 3,000 jobs respectively. Yet, we have not reached the worst part of this downturn, and there may be further job losses to come in the near future.
If there's one remaining hope to salvage some jobs and reduce the flood of layoffs, it's NOT going to be China. Rather, it may just be your sales force. No we don't expect your sales force to turn things around in such difficult market conditions. However, we do believe that there is a lot more that your sales force can do to save some jobs if they have the right attitude, motivation, skill-sets and yes, incentives.
Hence, this month's topics:
This issue's main article is on "Re-Configuring your Sales Incentive Plan",
and it will tell you why this is probably the best time to adjust your
sales force's incentive plan, so that they are much more aligned to your
strategic goals.
In brief:
Most sales people are paid to generate
short-term sales, but are not paid to
spend time developing
new and strategic businesses that will
bring profitable sales in turbulent
As a result, many sales forces find
themselves caught in severe price
competition and shrinking sales orders,
as they did not develop enough new
businesses that will make up for the
fall in demand;
Given the current tough economic times,
it is a great opportunity for management
to re-look at current sales incentives,
and device ways to motivate sales people
to achieve strategic sales goals.
read the rest of this newsletter, pls.
click here (
Re-Configuring your Sales Incentive Plan
c.j. Ng
It is said that the sales person's mind
works faster and more accurate than a
super-computer when it comes to calculating
their incentive payments. They know
how to reach their targets and optimise
their pay by taking the most efficient of
all actions.
Yet, despite all the incentives that
companies give their sales people, there are
still some chronic problems faced by most
sales forces, such as:
Selling low margin items and foregoing
higher margin ones, since it's easier
and a lot faster to sell;
Pushing products rather than providing
solutions that will deliver long-term
benefits to customers;
Selling to the same customers and not
doing enough to develop new ones;
Communicating with the same, singular
contact in the customer's organisation
most of the time, and not taking the
initiative to develop more relationships
with more people;
Making lots of customer visits that
eventually produce little results etc
While a lot of
training has been conducted to enable sales
people overcome the above issues, their
behaviour still remains very much the same.
Now that we are all in
economic winter, budgets and time for
sales training are likely to be slashed
In any case,
having the right training for your sales
force is just part of your solution
towards better sales performance.
Giving your sales people the right
incentives so that they are focused on doing
the right things may be more important than
the training itself.
Commission based on a percentage of the
sales revenue;
Bonus based on the achievement of a
pre-determined annual sales
target (based on sales revenue);
Profit -sharing based on
gross profits or sales margins; etc.
Of the 3 common ways, 1 and 2 are the most
common, while some companies are beginning
to focus on achieving good margins in
addition to sales revenue. Still,
sales people are rewarded by the
dollars-and-cents that they bring in, rather
than on how they can develop sustainable
"pipelines" that will provide revenue in the
future, and are also less prone to vicious
price competition.
Here's a simple example. Imagine that
you work for a company that sells computers
to other companies. You sell both
desktop computers as well as servers.
While the margins for desktop computers are
getting thinner by the day, if your
customers identify with your brand, they
will tend to buy from you. Even if
they may haggle some discounts from you, but
the sale is relatively easy.
However, selling
servers are a little more complicated.
You will need to find out more technical
details about your customers' requirements,
and customers are also quite particular
about how your product performs, as well as
the after-sale maintenance agreements.
While servers are comparatively less prone
to severe price competition (than desktop
computers), it may take twice as long for
you to make the same amount of incentive pay
selling servers than selling desktop
Hence, it's going to be a no-brainer for you
to keep focused selling desktop computers
than selling servers, even if your company
needs to establish itself as a major seller
of high-quality and high-performance
To incentivise sales people to sell
more of the difficult products (or to
difficult target customers), come companies
provide "spiff" for the hard sale, i.e.
additional bonus or commission to sell the
hard-to-sell stuff. but this may or
may not work for you, especially in hard
In the real world,
things can be a lot more complex, e.g.:
Some solutions are so
complex that you will require the
efforts of your engineers or technical
colleagues to help evaluate customer
needs and draft proposals. As such
group incentives may be needed;
Some existing
customers are simply not going to give
you significant re-orders in the near
future, and customer service staff may
be called to do the servicing of
customers via phone and online means,
and close the small deals as well.
You will only be paid if you or your
customer service colleague identifies
some new buying needs from your
customer, and you helped close the new
deal. And you will get the bigger
share of the group (you and your
customer service colleague)
incentive for the new deal;
Sometimes it may take months if not
years to develop new customers, or to
get other departments
in your existing customers to buy new
solutions from you. If you are not
compensated for the months of hardwork
(which may or may not lead to anything),
you won't invest in the time and
energies in it, etc.
Given the tough economic times where
companies will want to reduce (sales) costs
and still motivate your sales people to sell
the hard-to-sell stuff, here are some broad
If your sales people are still pretty
much selling the same stuff (low margin
products or dealing with the same
customers or pushing products instead of
providing solutions), instead of paying
them the full commission or bonus, pay
them half the amount instead.
If your sales people (and non-sales
staff too) went through thick and thin
to get the hard sales, pay them the full
commission or bonus (but pay them as a
group is it's a group offer).
If you keep track of the progress of
your sales people working their
"pipelines" to develop new customers,
AND you don't have the budget to reward
"effort" only,
give sincere praise and recognition
in your weekly, monthly or annual sales
meetings. Who says incentives must
always be monetary-based?
Compensating Sales
by a direct over-ride on the sales
achieved by her team;
with a bonus upon achieving or exceeding
the team's annual sales targets
the changes in the sales team's incentives
mentioned above, sales managers'
compensation would have to be modified a
little as well, for best results.
If sales
people are no longer paid according to just
the amount of sales they bring in, then
managers should also have more sophisticated
ways measuring (and paying) for performance.
Besides sales turnover, sales managers can
be measured by a combination of 2-3
criteria, which may include:
Sales turnover/ gross revenue;
Maintaining a certain level of margins;
Sales of products or solutions that are
strategic to the company; or
Acquisition of new customers that are
strategic to achieving future targets
The above criteria can be measured as
sumation of separate factors, i.e. the
manager can be paid x amount for achieving
100% of targets and y amount for achieving
80% of 30% margins. Or they can be
paid in a martrix mode where if both or all
criteria do not hit 100%, they will not get
100% of their bonus. Conversely, if
both or all criteria exceed 100%, they will
receive exponential rewards, to motivate
them further.
In an
case, there should not be too many criteria
to measure and compensate sales people or
managers, or they may be confused as to
exactly what their company wants them to do.
Having three criteria will be a good number
to work on.
Expect most if not all members of the sales team being upset when
management wants to tinker with their incentives-scheme. For all
you may know, some sales people, especially the better ones, have
already make plans on how they should spend their commissions and
bonuses if they work according to the existing plan. Some may have
even borrowed (heavily) against future earnings.
if there is a need to re-focus and re-align the sales force's
performance to your strategic goals (especially in such unpredictable
and turbulent times), then you may have to find ways to win their
One thing to avoid is to
announce the plan abruptly, and force your sales people to accept it.
That is almost a guaranteed way to lose your best sales people
The other thing to avoid is, in the event that you do
lose some of your good sales people, you chickened-out and revert to
your old plan. Your remaining sales people may have already be
accustomed to the new plan by now, and a revert to the old plan will
cause more confusion, and you will soon lose those sales people who may
actually succeed with the new plan. In any case, if those sales
people that you lost initially are really good, they will not be
re-joining you any time soon. So a reversion of the plans may make
management feel good, but in reality will do a lot more harm without any
If you feel there is a need
to re-configure your sales incentive plan, here are some suggestions on
how to get acceptance and support from your sales force:
Tell your people the
issues and challenges that your company
is facing right now, and that a new
incentive plan is required to make the
company and its sales force more
Appeal to noble motives. E,g,
you can tell your sales force that if
nothing is done, more jobs will be lost
(and NOT that management will have lower
Pro-actively get
feedback and inputs from your sales
force about
their new incentive plan. Not that
you'll want to accomdate to all
requests, but in doing so, your people
will feel that their voices are heard.
Besides, you may get some great ideas
If there are heavy
resistance from some sectors, you can
implement the new plan as a pilot on
those teams who are most likely to
succeed first. That will give you
credilbility and momentum to push
forward your reforms;
Understand that your
incentive plan is just part (although a
very important part) of how you can get
better performance from your sales
force, and you will need better
training, hiring and leadership for your
sales force if they were to scale to
greater heights;
Understand that no
matter how hard you tried, there will be
people unhappy with your new plan.
There may be some good people who will
leave no matter what you do.
Ultimately, there will be risk in making any changes, and changing
sale incentive plans definitely belongs to the higher risk category.
That's probably why many sales incentive plans are way out-of-date and
do not align sales performance to the company's sales strategy.
However, give such turbulent times that we are in right now, it may just
be a good reality check for sales people to understand that it's time
they make the necessary changes for the greater good, as well as to make
them better sales people for the future.
To discuss more about
how your sales incentives should be, please e-mail or call +86-136 7190 2505 or Skype:
cydj001 and arrange to buy me a mocha. All
information shall be kept in confidence.
Power Breakfast Hour: 17 March 2009
Re-Configuring Your Sales Incentive Plan
Join International Sales Leadership and
Performance Coach c.j. Ng in this breakfast meeting in
Shanghai where he will be sharing with you the following insights:
VENUE: Le Equilles Restaurant, Ground Floor, Xin Jin Qiao Plaza, 23
Beijing West Road (by Xizang Middle Road), Shanghai. Pls. enter
via Citadines Apart'Hotel at 55 Beijing West Road.
TIME: from 08:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m.
Pls. check out our web sites and for more inspiration.
Tips for Hiring Managers:
by Mark Murphy, CEO of Leadership IQ The following layoff
memo is real (it was written by the CEO of one of the world's
largest magazine publishers). It's no worse than most layoff memos
(it's actually pretty typical), but it is a wonderful example of how
NOT to write a memo that announces layoffs:
There are dozens of problems with this memo, but let me highlight
four. (Get all the tools and techniques you need at our upcoming
Managing Layoffs Without Destroying Your Culture.)
And here's the most important point: If you're the CEO, you've still
got 90% of the workforce that you have to lead. You need them to
trust and respect you. But if they think that you don't have the
guts to be straight with them, they'll never trust you again.
is a
wholly-owned brand of
Directions Management Consulting Pte Ltd that specialises in the
field of improving
sales performance by enhancing the performance of the entire sales
team. Apart from the regular "selling skills training",
conducts pre- and post-training analysis, interviews, monitoring and
reviews, working closely with managers and even senior management,
to deliver real improvements in sales leadership and performance. Here's a profile of
our valued clients and partners for 2008: Andy Yeung,
VP Sales & Marketing China, the Ascott Group. Andy rejuvenised
the entire Ascott sales force, hitting 94% of sales targets by 31
July 2008. This is despite the travel controls due to the
Beijing Olympics and serious poaching of good sales staff from
competitors. Through Andy's efforts, he was able to stabilise
the sales force attrition rate, and went on to post record sales in
a soft market. While 2009 will be a tougher year for the
hospitality industry, I believe Andy will grow the Ascott Group's
business in China from strength to strength. Belinda Ma,
Special Project Manager, Dell China. We had the good
fortune to work with Belinda through our associates,
A.S.K. Learning for a major
Dell project in China and the rest of Asia. Belinda has shown
outstanding dedication and commitment to her project, and has given
us exceptional support (even in the middle of the night).
While her straightforward style of communication may have ruffled
some people, her straight-talking also means she's all business and
no-nonsense. This is despite that she still has to care for
her one-year-old son, while giving 120% to her work. Dirk Lange,
Investment & Operations Manager China, Duravit. Dirk is
one of the few senior managers who has the foresight to build a
training centre, not just for internal staff, but for Duravit's
channel partners. This is despite that the economy is fast
getting into "winter" mode, but Dirk truly sees beyond the short
term, and feels that the future of their business rely on
well-trained and well-prepared sales people and channel partners.
Dirk went for an extended vacation back home to Germany in September
2009 and left his entire operations to his Chinese team. Not
only did things run smoothly during this period, Dirk actually
received minimal work-related e-mail. Dirk is standing
testament that "lao wai" managers in China can lead productive and
motivated work teams in China, even in their absence. Robin Rajpal,
General Manager, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Zhengzhou.
Robin is the General Manager that other General Managers hate.
He is the maverick who will rock the boat but achieve outstanding
results nevertheless. In the lull summer months of 2007 and
2008, rather than trying to drive occupancy rates through massive
discounts, Robin drove 2 campaigns: one is to sell moon cakes, and
the other is to promote their German Beer Festival at their hotel
(only the band was German; the beer was Carlsberg). The
moon cakes alone took in more than RMB 5 million and RMB 7 million
in 2007 and 2008 respectively. That is better than selling
5,000 extra room nights.
TM would like
to be known as the preferred choice of outstanding and remarkable
clients, and pride ourselves as such. We will also be
continuing to assist our clients achieve greater heights in 2009 and
Enquiries and suggestions,
pls. e-mail
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