Hi! Thank you for logging on this Distributor Effectiveness Questionnaire. To find out your current level of distributor effectiveness in your company, please fill in this questionnaire and e-mail to info@psycheselling.com indicating your name, company, industry and job title. You will receive a complimentary evaluation and suggestions on how things can be improved. 你好! 非常感谢你使用这份渠道评估问卷。如果你想了解你们公司目前的渠道销售绩效,不妨将此问卷作答,然后e-mail到 info@psycheselling.com ,并表明你的姓名、工作单位、所在行业以及你的职衔。你将免费获得针对你们销售效率的评估以及建议。 Distributor Effectiveness Questionnaire 渠道评估问卷 1. From a scale of 0-10, 0 being the worst, and 10 being the best, how would you rate the level of your Distributors' performance? 如果以0-10分的标准,0分为最差,10分为最好,您会为您分销渠道的表现打几分?
4.2. Description of typical clients’
profiles, needs and requirements. 具体形容一般客户的简介以及其所提出的需求
4.3. Length of cycle from initial contact to
close? 销售周期 4.4. Number and type of competitors involved. 竞争对手的数量与类型
5. What are the main criteria of selecting Distributors? Why such criteria? List at least 5 你的分销渠道有哪些筛选标准?你为何选择这些标准?至少列出五项
6. Who are the other vendors vying for your Distributors' attention? How do you intend to increase your mindshare with them? 目前还有那些供应商也在博取你的渠道的青睐?你将怎样获得你渠道心中更大的份额?
7. List every way you have in joint-marketing with your Distributors. In what ways can you improve the effectiveness of such Joint-Marketing Efforts? 列下你与分销渠道共同开发市场的所有方法。你觉得怎样才能够改进这些市场开发战术?
8. How do you usually coach your
Distributors to generate more sales for you? 你通常怎样引导渠道,让他们给你更多的业绩?
9. What are the top three reasons that you
lose business to a competitor? 如果你在某些单子输给竞争对手,有哪3大的理由?
10. Why MUST a prospect buy your product or
service? 客户为何一定要购买你的产品或服务?
11. Why MUST a prospect buy from you?
客户为何一定要与你本人购买? About PsycheSelling.com As you might have heard of them, the most common challenges faced by sales people in any country, and across nearly every industry, are as follow:
Having these concerns in mind, the Psyche-Selling TM is created as a result of 1-to-1 coaching with sales people from a variety of industries across 13 cities in Asia. Psyche-Selling TM is currently operating as a community of experienced sales and marketing professionals helping other sales and marketing professionals. Psyche-Selling TM welcomes collaborations with consultancies and distributors.
Enquiries and suggestions, pls. e-mail info@psycheselling.com or visit www.psycheselling.com |